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[filesystems] Filesystem library edits/issues #1246

Open burblebee opened 7 years ago

burblebee commented 7 years ago

As suggested by Jens, these issues with the FS TS are being added as a single issue so they don't get lost - they should be reviewed after the NB comments for C++17 are applied.

email from Jens: The fundamentals TS wording has had ~100 NB comments, and I'd guess some of your issues are duplicates of these. I'd suggest to postpone them to post-C++17, since the filesystem NB resolutions will hit the draft only post-Kona. (Essentially, this area has a high risk of conflicting edits.)

Dawn, so that we have this list in a permanent record,
could you open one summary editorial issue with a cut&paste
of your filesystems list?


The e-mail below contains the list of FS issues as emailed to lwgchair:

After reviewing the applied wording of several LWG motions and making some editorial fixes, I have the remaining list of issues which I'd like LWG and/or the authors to review. While some are definately LWG issues, many of these could probably be resolved editorially, but I wasn't comfortable doing that without guidance or an OK from the author(s), so what remains is where that e-mail correspondence hit a dead end. If folks don't have time to review them now, please open LWG issues for them so that this list won't be forgotten.

Thank you! -Dawn

Notes on list:

list of issues:

LWG Motion 7 P0218R0 Adopt the File System TS for C++17. http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n4100.pdf http://wiki.edg.com/pub/Wg21jacksonville/StrawPolls/P0218r1.html Beman bdawes@acm.org Jonathan cxx@kayari.org NOTE: paragraphs refer to the wording in the WD of the post-JAX mailing; paragraph numbers in the git master source differ.

e* In of WD [fs.conform.9945], Inconsistent naming for section. What is 9945? Section name should be [fs.conform.posix]?

e* In 27.10.4 of WD [fs.definitions], Should definitions begin with lower case and not end with period as in [intro.defs]? If so, how to handle defs with multiple sentences?

e* In of WD [fs.def.pathres], Include version in reference "section 4.11, Pathname resolution".?

e* In of WD [fs.def.pathres], Example should be a note.

e* In of WD [fs.def.relative-path], Note should be an example because '.' and '..' are only otherwise meaningful as filenames in the generic path grammar. => \enterexample Pathnames .'' and..'' are relative paths on POSIX and Windows systems. \examplenote

e* In of WD [fs.def.symlink], Wording in definition is unclear.

i* In 27.10.6 of WD [fs.filesystem.syn], No details for "size_t hash_value(const path& p) noexcept;"

e* In 27.10.8p2 of WD [class.path], In "value_type is a typedef for the operating system dependent encoded character type used to represent pathnames", is the "character type" the "native encoding" in ([fs.def.native.encode])? Or is it the character type used to form a NTCTS ([fs.def.ntcts])? Add reference to clarify the "encoded character type": => "character type used to represent pathnames, where the encoding is the native encoding ([fs.def.native.encode])." or => "character type used to form a NTCTS ([fs.def.ntcts])" Same for "encoding"s throughout - which ones are we talking about?

i* In of WD [path.generic], Statement doesn't make sense when talking about a grammar term.
Should a new term "directory separator" be defined for this? References to grammar term directory-separator throughout should be checked to see if they should be replaced with this new term.

i* In of WD [path.fmt.cvt], bullet 1.1: Note says "The generic format is acceptable as a native path" but this is not true on Windows because the grammar includes '/' as a possible directory-separator ('d1/d2' is not a valid path on Windows). => "A native path can be parsed by the generic grammar"

e* In of WD [path.fmt.cvt], Wording is inconsistent in use of "regular file" vs. "non-directory file" throughout spec, and "regular file" is never defined. Should it be defined to be a file that is not a directory, or POSIX S_ISREG? Inconsistent use of "directory path" .vs "directory" throughout.

i* In of WD [path.type.cvt], In "For member function arguments that take character sequences", these are the functions that take Source arguments, right? Where is that stated? What about the non-member functions?

e* In of WD [path.type.cvt], what are "source characters"? => "any of the characters in the argument or return value"?

e* In of WD [path.req], What's an "effective range"? (used throughout)

e* In of WD [path.req], In "the value types above and their encodings", what encodings? (was "these value types and ...")

e* In of WD [path.construct], Bullet 6.2: What "current narrow encoding"? => "current native narrow encoding~(\ref{fs.def.native.encode})"? Check uses elsewhere. Be consistent throughout in uses of "[current] [native] [narrow/wide] encoding"

e* In of WD [path.modifiers], Bullet 11.1: what's "a dot character"? Be consistent in use of "dot" vs. "period" vs. "'.'", and use /dot/ when referring to /filename/ in generic grammar.

e* In of WD [path.native.obs], Section is WD [path.native.objs] in paper but [path.native.obs] in WD. Ok?

e* In of WD [path.generic.obs], The reference to is to the generic pathname format, but it doesn't say how to "return strings formatted according to" this generic pathname format". Where is this (re)formatting described? [path.fmt.cvt] doesn't appear to to it. Same with "reformatted according to" in of WD [path.generic.obs].

e* In of WD [path.compare], What "elements"?

e* In of WD [path.decompose], How does one "compose" a path from pathname? What if /root-path/ is empty? I think we need to say something like: => "A path P, where P is composed from the |pathname| as follows: If !empty(), let R be the /pathname/ of |pathname|. Then

e* In of WD [path.decompose], Use grammar term for /dot/ and /dot-dot/: "if filename() contains a period but does not consist solely of one or two periods" => "if filename() contains a period but is not /dot/ or /dot-dot/" Same for other Returns throughout paper. Fix consistency in use of 'period' vs. 'dot' vs. '.' throughout.

e* In of WD [path.decompose], What's an "empty path"? Is it the path "" or an empty path object? Check 3 uses throughout spec. Also fix inconsistencies with "\tcode{path} object" vs. "path object"

e* In of WD [path.itr], Bullet 4.4: clarify "trailing non-root /slash/ characters". What about the /preferred-separator/? Check uses of /slash/ for cases where /directory-separator/ should be used.

i* In 27.10.13p7 of WD [class.directory_iterator], What are "the current (dot) and parent (dot-dot) directories"?

e* In of WD [directory_iterator.members], "the current depth" is described in a note which is non-normative. => "The current depth of the directory tree being traversed, where the initial directory passed to the constructor is at depth 0, it's immediate subdirectories are at depth 1, and so forth."

e* In of WD [fs.op.canonical], "an absolute path that has no symbolic link, ".", or ".." elements." => "a canonical path ( [fs.def.canonical.path])"

e* In of WD [fs.op.copy], What is meant by "Before the first use of f and t"? => "Let f and t be as follows"? Bullet 3.1: "if needed"? How to know when auto t is needed?

e* In of WD [fs.op.copy], "error is reported" => "error is handled"? Errors are handled, not reported. Same throughout FS.

e* In in of WD [fs.op.is_empty], |s| is determined by status(p, ec), but in of WD [fs.op.equivalent], |s1| and |s2| are determined by status(p1) and status(p2). Should both be calling the ec variant or not? Note that both is_empty and equivalent have both the ec and non-ec variants. (FYI: the details of these funcs have since been rewritten to introduce s1, s2 and s so they apply to the whole function since otherwise they have no meaning outside the Effects pnum).

e* In of WD [fs.op.permissions], What are "effective permissions bits"?

i* In of WD [fs.op.remove], Do Postconditions only apply if the function succeeded?
If not, what if p is a directory? Then p could not be removed and the Postcondition would not hold. Also, the Returns would return true if p is a directory (because p exists), even though p was not removed.

e* In of WD [fs.op.remove_all], Effects assumes p is a directory - must it be?
If not: => "Same as remove() ([fs.op.remove]), except that if p is a directory, also recursively deletes the contents of p." If so: add \requires.

e* In of WD [fs.op.status], Unclear. How to reword?

e* In of WD [fs.op.system_complete], Why is this an example? Should be a Note?

i* In of WD [path.decompose], What was intended in root_directory()? As worded, root_directory() will only ever return "" or path(). Note that /root-directory/ is /directory-separator/ in the grammar. So the /root-directory/ of "/bla/f.cpp" is "/", and the /root-directory/ of "bla/f.cpp" is "", and any leading "/" is removed in p3. p3 also makes no sense since /name/ can't be part of the /root-directory/.

i* In of WD [path.io], Should "Equivelent to" be added after "Effects:"?
If "Equivelent to" isn't correct, is there something else that can be added? It is odd to have "Effects:" with only code - what is the relationship between calling the function call and the code? See similar "Effects:" throughout the feature.

i* In of WD [fs.op.create_hard_lk], What should happen if a hardlink is not supported on the OS? Same for symlinks in of WD [fs.op.create_dir_symlk] and in of WD [fs.op.create_symlink], and other unsupported functions.

i* In of WD [fs.def.canonical.path], Is canonical path supposed to be unique? If so: What about c:\path\ vs. \path\ from drive c: on Windows, or UCN paths? What about substituted drives on Windows? Suppose we do this on Windows: subst g: c:\mydir g:\foo.cpp and c:\mydir\foo.cpp are not canonical. I believe the wording would treat them as different files, correct? Please give examples of canonical paths.

i* "resolves" and "resolves to" are never defined What's it mean to "resolve" a directory, or what a directory "resolves to"? Suppose we do this on Windows: subst g: c:\mydir g:\foo.cpp and c:\mydir\foo.cpp are not canonical. Do they "resolve" to the same file? Please define "resolves" and "resolves to", and give examples.

jensmaurer commented 7 years ago

To clarify: This issue does not refer to the Filesystem TS, but to the [filesystems] section in the working draft of the standard. The issues were discovered while integrating the Filesystems TS therein.

jensmaurer commented 7 years ago

A paper addressing the NB comments on filesystem is expected to land post-Kona. In order to avoid merge conflicts, the list above should be addressed post-C++17.

jensmaurer commented 7 years ago

@burblebee: Could you please make a pass over the post-Kona draft and remove all issues from your list that have been addressed or mooted?

jensmaurer commented 6 years ago

@burblebee: There have been a lot of updates in the meantime. Could you please make a pass over your list and remove those that have been addressed or mooted?

zygoloid commented 4 years ago

Removing milestone: we shipped C++17 like this and it's not clear that these are sufficiently problematic to rush a fix for C++20 (nor even what's left to do here).

jwakely commented 4 years ago

Adding the lwg label to try and persuade the LWG chair to review what's left to do here.