cplusplus / nbballot

Handling of NB comments in response to ballots
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DE-046 7.7p13 [expr.const] Planned consteval changes #467

Closed wg21bot closed 1 year ago

wg21bot commented 1 year ago

The status-quo rules of consteval/intermediate functions are surprising and make useage of standard algorithms in consteval context hard.

Reconsider the vote on P2564 and incorporate the changes proposed there already in C++23 instead of waiting for C++26 and possibly prohibiting gaining implementation experience with experimental implementations of the current direction of Reflection

jfbastien commented 1 year ago

Paper is https://github.com/cplusplus/papers/issues/1223

The result is that this will be forwarded to CWG for inclusion in C++26, and we can re-visit the DR status of this paper if an NB comment asks for it.

erichkeane commented 1 year ago

Forward P2564R0 to CWG for C++23, as well as a defect report against C++20.

10 10 0 0 0

Result: Consensus

jensmaurer commented 1 year ago

CWG 2022-11-09: Approved P2564R1 for plenary vote.

Accepted with Modifications; see P2564R1.