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US 64-132 Annex E.4 Whitespace and pattern rules #542

Closed wg21bot closed 1 year ago

wg21bot commented 1 year ago

The Unicode org has clarified that the pattern whitespace and pattern syntax rules apply to the lexing and parsing of computer languages.

Proposed change:

Replace with "UAX#31 describes how formal languages such as computer languages should describe and implement their use of whitespace and syntactically significant characters during the processes of lexing and parsing. C++ does not claim conformance with this requirement."

tahonermann commented 1 year ago

SG16 reviewed this issue during its 2022-10-19 telecon. The following polls were taken.

I am removing the SG16 label; this issue is ready for review by CWG.

jensmaurer commented 1 year ago

See CWG2636

jensmaurer commented 1 year ago
