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**-005 [intro.refs] Incorrect title for ISO/IEC/IEEE 9945:2009 #547

Open jensmaurer opened 9 months ago

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

Please update the reference in Clause 2 and in the document. Since there is no specific element referenced this reference shall be undated. The correct title is: Information technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX®) Base Specifications, Issue 7

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

"Since there is no specific element referenced"

We want to keep the dated reference, so we need to reference a specific element. Unless @jwakely tells us silently upgrading to the latest and greatest is fine. (This is mostly for the filesystem library, I think, so probably the latest and greatest is actually fine.)

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

The ISO Directives, Part 2, mention other reasons why a dated reference might be preferable, including that it might not be desired to automatically incorporate future changes into our standard. This is our rationale, in general.

However, if we need to sidestep the issue, we could add a more precise reference in e.g. [fs.op.create.directory] (for mkdir); suggestion: "as if by mkdir as specified in ISO/IEC/IEEE 9945:2009 volume 2, chapter 3, with a second argument of static_cast<int>(perms::all)."

JohelEGP commented 9 months ago

https://www.iso.org/ISO-house-style.html#iso-hs-s-text-r-r-ref_withdrawn also mentions that the reference and first cross-reference of a replaced document needs a footing like

1) Cancelled and replaced by ISO 5725-2:2019.

tkoeppe commented 8 months ago

I am not sure why not referring to a specific element requires using an undated reference; I will push back on that.

tkoeppe commented 8 months ago

Reject: the justification seems wrong, in fact, the wrong way round; we do need the dated references for reasons stated in 10.4.