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**-017 [intro.refs] Italicize and add cross-references for terms #559

Closed jensmaurer closed 7 months ago

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

Insert cross references for terms defined in Clause 3 which are used within other term entries Clause 3.

Please insert cross references and modify the existing cross references so the term is italicized and it is accompanied by the term entry number in parentheses (see example below). Every arbitrary-positional stream is also a repositional stream (3.48).

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

Can do.

tkoeppe commented 8 months ago

16.5.4: "Within a terminological entry, cross-references may also be made to other terminological entries."

tkoeppe commented 8 months ago

Also via HS References in Clause 3 (Terms and definitions)

tkoeppe commented 7 months ago

Fixed by eb7f0bcbff2af109643089ef36dfe67040a27f4a