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**-031 Foreword: update needed #573

Closed jensmaurer closed 9 months ago

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

Please contact the editor to obtain the latest version of the Foreword (and other template texts) before submitting the document for FDIS ballot. For example, the current foreword is missing the last line and the third paragraph has been changed.

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

Bill already sent me the foreword, thanks!

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

I'm not sure what "the last line and the third paragraph" is referring to, though. Maybe Clause 2 or 3?

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

I guess the "last line and the third paragraph" of the Foreword section in the DIS.

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

Ah yes, sorry: I did have a foreword in the actual DIS, but it's an old version I took from the LFTS PDTS. I have received updated text and will apply it.

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

Accepted (and done).