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**-032 Use Cambria and Courier New fonts exclusively #574

Open jensmaurer opened 9 months ago

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

The font for the document shall be Cambria, use Courier New only for code. No other font shall be used.

Please change the font to Cambria before submitting the document for FDIS ballot.

jwakely commented 9 months ago

We should reject this.

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

I'm in the process of rejecting this for the TS, too, but they keep pushing hard. They looked up some free&open Linux package that "looks a bit like Cambria and we could use in LaTeX"...

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

That doesn't address our other "italics", e.g. for grammar non-terminals and our localized term definitions. Any ideas on those? Or can we bargain a bit here: use Cambria-lookalike and leave the rest alone?

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

@tkoeppe, it seems the stance of the editors is rather clear here (what we have is fine). For you to discuss further with ISO/CS.

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

I'll discuss this at least once; leave this with me for now.

tkoeppe commented 8 months ago

Cambria and Courier New:


Roboto Serif and Roboto Mono:


Computer Modern and Computer Modern Mono:


tkoeppe commented 8 months ago


tkoeppe commented 8 months ago

Other families that seem to work quite well: Noto and Source.
