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**-038 No italics except cross-referenced terms in clause 3 #580

Open jensmaurer opened 9 months ago

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

Only the terms defined in this document can be italicized in Clause 3 for cross-reference purposes and but not other content throughout the rest of the text. Please correct.

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

This refers to our terms-defined-in-the-middle italics and our grammar non-terminals. I guess we should reject, but that probably doesn't satisfy ISO/CS.

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

Hm, are we understanding this right? I think they are quoting a rule from the House Style, https://www.iso.org/ISO-house-style.html#iso-hs-s-text-r-r-ref_clause3. But that rule is about Clause 3 itself, and that in Clause 3 you should not use italics.

Maybe they're referring to our grammar terms?

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

They definitely refer to our grammar terms, but also to our use of italics to define local terms throughout the standard. Note the phrasing "but not other content throughout the rest of the text." (emphasis mine)

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

On which rule is this "rest of the text" based?

jensmaurer commented 9 months ago

ISO Directives, Part 2, 27.5 talks about multi-letter italics in math formulae.

More clear is the House Style: https://www.iso.org/ISO-house-style.html#iso-hs-s-formatting-r-d-italics

tkoeppe commented 9 months ago

I will try to reject this by explaining the grammar terms and see where that gets us.

tkoeppe commented 8 months ago

We will review Clause 3.