cplusplus / papers

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 paper scheduling and management
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P3307 R0 Floating-Point Maximum/Minimum Function Objects #1958

Open wg21bot opened 6 months ago

wg21bot commented 6 months ago

P3307R0 Floating-Point Maximum/Minimum Function Objects (Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi)

mattkretz commented 3 weeks ago

P3307R0: Floating-Point Maximum/Minimum Function Objects

2024-11-19 SG6 Minutes

Chair: Matthias Kretz

Champion: Matthias Kretz for Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi


POLL: This is a problem worth solving in the library. (Do more work, we'll take the time for the next revision.)

Outcome: Unanimous consent.