cplusplus / papers

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 paper scheduling and management
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P3397 R0 Clarify requirements on extended floating point types #2049

Open wg21bot opened 2 months ago

wg21bot commented 2 months ago

P3397R0 Clarify requirements on extended floating point types (Hans Boehm)

mattkretz commented 1 week ago

P3397R0: Clarify requirements on extended floating point types

2024-11-18 SG6 Minutes

Chair: Matthias Kretz

Champion: Hans Boehm


The existence of value-changing optimizations makes it not obvious what 60559 conforming behavior would actually mean. It seems that we need to tackle the attributes 60559 talks about first. Also we need to consider that users want fast-math-like optimizations for std::float16_t.