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ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 paper scheduling and management
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P0959 A Proposal for a Universally Unique Identifier Library #284

Open jensmaurer opened 5 years ago

jensmaurer commented 5 years ago

P0959R2 A Proposal for a Universally Unique Identifier Library (Marius Bancila, Tony van Eerd)


brycelelbach commented 5 years ago

Kona 2019-02 LEWGI Minutes

P0959R2 std::uuid

Champion: Corentin Jabot

Minute Taker: Steve Downey

Start Overview: 9:03

Security concerns: Don’t allow unsecure variants, e.g. anything prior to version 4.

Start Discussion: 9:10

Start Polling: 9:40

POLL: We should promise more committee time to standardizing a UUID library, knowing that our time is scarce and this will leave less time for other work.

Strongly For Weakly For Neutral Weakly Against Strongly Against
5 8 1 0 0

Attendance: 16

CJ (N): Concerned about the concept of standardizing UUIDs, given the potential security concerns.

POLL: Add an istream operator for std::uuid.

Strongly For Weakly For Neutral Weakly Against Strongly Against
2 2 7 2 1

Attendance: 16

POLL: Replace overloads taking char const and std::string with one overload that takes string_view, and make the new string_view overloads constexpr.__


Attendance: 16

__POLL: Make as_bytes noexcept.__


Attendance: 16

Question to Author: Why doesn’t this just work with char or char8_t? Why is it templated on CharT?

Question to Author: Comparisons?

POLL: std::uuid_random_generator’s should use a “see-below” UniformRandomNumberGenerator (instead of std::mt19937), whose semantics WG23 will help define.

Strongly For Weakly For Neutral Weakly Against Strongly Against
4 5 1 1 0

Attendance: 16

Corentin (A): Concerned this will make it unimplementable on some platforms. We should solve this problem generally, not just for this class.

__POLL: Remove std::uuid_random_generator and just have std::basic_uuid_random_generator<UniformRandomNumberGenerator> (e.g. don’t have a default).__

Strongly For Weakly For Neutral Weakly Against Strongly Against
0 6 3 2 0

Attendance: 16

Volunteers to Help Revise: Steve, Corentin

End: 9:50

cor3ntin commented 2 years ago

@brycelelbach you remember why this has an ewgi tag?

klappdev commented 11 months ago

Hi. A very useful feature. What are the chances that will be added to C++26? Thank you.

tahonermann commented 11 months ago

@klappdev, these issues are used for administrative tracking purposes and are not intended for community discussion. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the std-proposals mailing list.