There is a typo in "CAnalyzerPage::OnApplyChanges" which is using a wrong define to initialize the capture configuration of the analyzer filter. This may lead to that the analyzer filter does not capture any samples if the capture options are changed with the checkboxes of that dialog.
HRESULT CAnalyzerPage::OnApplyChanges()
filter->put_Enabled(IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_ANALYZER_ENABLED) ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE);
ASSERT(m_nPreviewByteCount <= 0xFFFF);
filter->put_PreviewSampleByteCount((unsigned short) m_nPreviewByteCount);
int captureConfig = SCF_ALL; // <-- Should be "SCF_All" (lowercase "l" characters)
Please note the "SCF_ALL" define (uppercase "L" characters), it does not map to the supposed define "SCF_All" (lowercase "L" characters) from "StatisticCaptureFlags".
Another small typo is in "CAnalyzerPage::GetEntryString()".
case SRK_BF_Run: val = _T("IBaseFilter:Run:"); break;
should read as
case SRK_BF_Run: val = _T("IBaseFilter::Run"); break;
There is a typo in "CAnalyzerPage::OnApplyChanges" which is using a wrong define to initialize the capture configuration of the analyzer filter. This may lead to that the analyzer filter does not capture any samples if the capture options are changed with the checkboxes of that dialog.
Please note the "SCF_ALL" define (uppercase "L" characters), it does not map to the supposed define "SCF_All" (lowercase "L" characters) from "StatisticCaptureFlags".
Another small typo is in "CAnalyzerPage::GetEntryString()".
case SRK_BF_Run: val = _T("IBaseFilter:Run:"); break;
should read ascase SRK_BF_Run: val = _T("IBaseFilter::Run"); break;
Kind regards