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Elevation values - as JSON and as CSS classes #20

Closed Zeugmarout closed 8 months ago

Zeugmarout commented 8 months ago

A more complex set of values ranging from e.g. -1500 to +3,500 representing actual yards above/below sea level as the JSON

A set of CSS classes that batch them into discrete, easy to work with sets (e.g. lowlands, etc.)

Will be useful for determining e.g. river courses

Will depend on find_adjacent - e.g. checking mountain xxx. If all neighbors are mountains, increase elevation class and render as Snowcap. if neighbors are forest, etc. then lower the mountain elevation by 1 and bump up the neigbor's by 1 (and apply e.g. "hilly woods" tile.)

Zeugmarout commented 8 months ago

Finished! Terrain type elevations: -1 Deeps 0 Ocean (theoretical, not added yet) 1 Swamps 2 Open 3 Wooded 4 Desert and Wooded Hills 5 Mountains (bordering on anything lower) 6 Mountains (interior) 7 Snowcaps