cpmcgrath / codealignment

199 stars 51 forks source link

Application Website 403 #110

Open davimack opened 2 years ago

davimack commented 2 years ago

I'm pretty positive this isn't the place for it, but the application's website gives me a 403 following the link from here.


chrisxfire commented 2 years ago

I'm pretty positive this isn't the place for it, but the application's website gives me a 403 following the link from here.


nathan130200 commented 2 years ago


Olbrasoft commented 1 year ago


Aida-Enna commented 1 year ago


DMaxwell02 commented 1 year ago

Strange that this is being ignored. There is no web site for support, evidently. Just this page. Link for codealignment is broken or shutdown and it appears to have stayed that way for over a year. Not a good sign.

davimack commented 1 year ago

@cpmcgrath seems to have gone inactive. @chcg is active, though, so I'd have expected a reply in the past year. I'm guessing this is a zombie repo. There are a bunch of forks, not sure if that helps?

If we're trying to revive this thing, @chcg is probably the account to contact.

Looking at the two accounts and their repos, I'm going to guess that @cpmcgrath was a Microsoft employee of some sort, up until 2021, and @chcg is a secondary account.

I don't know if blasting @chcg is going to get their attention. If so, it could be that people are willing to help with this repo. I'd personally like it to be working.

Edit: http://www.cpmcgrath.com/ now comes up with a ban from cpanel.

chcg commented 1 year ago

@davimack I just contributed but have no access rights on this repo. And my account is not just a secondary one. As long as @cpmcgrath is not stepping in again this repo is unsupported.

davimack commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I guess that explains why there are dozens of forks, if basically nobody has access aside from @cpmcgrath

https://www.linkedin.com/in/mobilechris/ is the most likely candidate, I believe. The stack is right, he was at Microsoft, etc.

Other accounts which don't look right:

I sent "mobile chris" (the first LinkedIn referenced) a connection request & a note saying:

Hello! I'm a random stranger who would like to see the Code Alignment repo maintained. The only other person on that repo says they have no permissions for anything, and that you're the only one who can help. Would you be willing to open up the repo, please? davimack is me. Thank you!