cpmech / russell

Rust Scientific Libary. ODE and DAE (Runge-Kutta) solvers. Special functions (Bessel, Elliptic, Beta, Gamma, Erf). Linear algebra. Sparse solvers (MUMPS, UMFPACK). Probability distributions. Tensor calculus.
MIT License
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(Generalized) eigenvalues for complex matrices #82

Closed MaxRang closed 6 months ago

MaxRang commented 6 months ago


Thank you for creating this library! It will be very useful for me in my attempts at rewriting some old FORTRAN codes to Rust.

For my specific purpose, I need generalized eigenvalue solvers (i.e. dggev) and complex matrix eigenvalue solvers (zggev, zheev, zgeev). Are there currently plans to add these?


cpmech commented 6 months ago

Hi, yes! these four functions (and more) are coming soon.

cpmech commented 6 months ago

These functions are now available (russell_lab version v0.9.0):

Feel free to suggest more functions!

MaxRang commented 6 months ago

Thank you for the amazingly fast implementation!