cpockrandt / PhyloCSFpp

PhyloCSF++ computes PhyloCSF tracks for whole-genome multiple sequence alignments, scores single MSA, annotates CDS features in GFF/GTF files with PhyloCSF and confidence scores.
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Predicting CDS regions for gene fusions with PhyloCSFpp? #15

Open apsteinberg opened 3 months ago

apsteinberg commented 3 months ago

Hi there,

Thanks for building this great tool! I was wondering if PhyloCSF++ can be used to predict CDS regions for RNA fusions? I have RNA gene fusions for which I have a csv file of fusion breakpoints and a fasta file with cDNA sequences at those breakpoints, and I would like to predict what the potential fusion proteins are at the sites of these gene fusions.


Best, Asher