cpollett / Cinequest-Android

Cinequest Android Application for CS175 Class, Fall 2013 @ SJSU
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Index Navigation Tab - Alphabetical Sort Headers Anchored To Top Of List View #52

Open mopsal opened 9 years ago

mopsal commented 9 years ago

In replicating what the iOS app does, the results for Films and Events in the Index tab need to have their alphabetical header ("A", "B", etc.) stay anchored to the top of the list view until the next alphabetical header reaches the top of the list view.

Basically, If I start on the "A" results and scroll down on the list, the "A" red header bar should stay anchored to the top of the list until I reach the "B" red header.

While most users can tell what letter in the alphabet they are currently on, having the alphabetical header anchored to the top of the list view will enhance the effectiveness of the list view.


katharinebrinker commented 9 years ago

We'll take a stab at this one (Katharine Brinker, Duy Truong, Sreenidhi Pundi Muralidharan)