cpollett / Cinequest-iOS

Cinequest iOS app for CS175 class at SJSU, Fall 2013
GNU General Public License v2.0
2 stars 13 forks source link

Relabel the My Schedule My Cinequest #6

Closed cpollett closed 10 years ago

cpollett commented 10 years ago

Currently, at the bottom of the screen in the iOS app there is a tab labeled My Schedule. Relabel this tab My Cinequest.

sreenidhipm commented 10 years ago

So does this mean condensing the menu items to 4 instead of 5 like Matt explained the other day? Or just changing the tab name from My Schedule to My Cinequest?

cpollett commented 10 years ago

Just changing the name.

muhbian commented 10 years ago

Group work by Fabian S. & Tim P.