cportner / sexSelectionSpacing

Text and code for "Birth Spacing and Fertility in the Presence of Son Preference and Sex-Selective Abortions: India's Experience Over Four Decades," forthcoming in Demography
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3 Add statement of problem and aim to abstract #36

Closed cportner closed 3 years ago

cportner commented 3 years ago

Please reorganize to start with a statement of the problem and main aims of the study. As it stands, the abstract is a list of findings, with no context as to the issues/questions the author investigates. Please be cognizant of using terms such as “women most likely to use sex-selective abortion.” The reader does not understand how this is measured yet, and may get the false impression that sex-selection abortion is measured directly.

cportner commented 3 years ago

I have added the following to the Abstract to state the problem and the main aims for the paper. In addition, I have edited the remainder to focus on the results as they relate to the aim questions and made it clear that sex-selective abortions are not directly observed.

India has experienced an increasingly male-biased sex ratio at birth following the introduction of prenatal sex determination techniques. I examine three questions. First, how did birth spacing respond to this and other secular developments? Second, did changes in birth spacing make us overestimate the decline in cohort fertility? Finally, did the advent of sex-selective abortions change the relationship between birth spacing and infant mortality?