cpouchon / REFMAKER

Make your own nuclear references from genomic assemblies of shotgun libraries.
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Memory limit #3

Closed jmhallas closed 4 months ago

jmhallas commented 9 months ago


I keep getting a memory limit error when running REFMAKER. I was wondering in your development of the program was there general memeory allocation needed? I have 77 low coverage whole genomes that range from .5X-25X. Files are 300MB-25GB. I have allocated 245GB of memory and it still runs out of memory. I was wondering if I should down sample the higher coverage samples before running REFMAKER?

I am also getting a "finished abnormally" error which seems to be associated with memory allocation.

== Error ==  system call for: "['/data/gpfs/home/jhallas/anaconda3/envs/refmaker-env/bin/spades-hammer', '/data/gpfs/assoc/denovo/jhallas/deer/refmaker/res_refmaker/assembly/spades/Mazama_gouazoupira_195094/c
orrected/configs/config.info']" finished abnormally, OS return value: -9

This is my parameter file

#REFMAKER (v.1.0) parameter file
#------ global parameters ------------------------------------------------------
TOOLS=/data/gpfs/assoc/denovo/jhallas/deer/programs/REFMAKER-main/tools.sh                                                ## [1] path to file with dependencies
RES=/data/gpfs/assoc/denovo/jhallas/deer/refmaker/res_refmaker                                                              ## [2] output directory
THREADS=16                                                                      ## [3] number of threads to use for multithreading steps
#------ demultiplexing ---------------------------------------------------------
DATA=~/path/to/libraries/                                                       ## [4] path to sequencing reads libraries including barcode(s) file(s): *.barcodes
ERROR_RATE=0.17                                                                 ## [5] maximum allowed error rate as value between 0 and 1
READ_QUALITY=10                                                                 ## [6] Trim low-quality bases. If one value is given, only the 3' end is trimmed. If two comma-separated cutoffs are given, the 5' end is trimmed with the first cutoff, the 3' end with the second
MIN_READ_LENGTH=50                                                              ## [7] Discard reads shorter than this length.
BARCODE_LENGTH=6                                                                ## [8] Remove LENGTH bases from second read in a pair
#------ assembly samples -------------------------------------------------------
MEMORY=245                                                                      ## [9] maximal memory used in assembly
KMER=55,75                                                                      ## [10] k-mer size used in contigs assembly of each library. Single (here 55) or range values (as 21,33,55) allowed. Note: less than 128
SAMPLES_FILE=/data/gpfs/assoc/denovo/jhallas/deer/refmaker/samples.txt                                                        ## [11] samples file. Specific format required:  (1) sample name with Genus_species_(subsp)_taxid_attributes; (2) path to forward reads; (3) path to reverse reads;

Here is my slurm submission file


#SBATCH --account=cpu-s1-bionres-0
#SBATCH --partition=cpu-s1-bionres-0
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --mail-user=joshua.hallas@gmail.com
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
#SBATCH --mem=2450
#SBATCH --time=14-00:00:00
#SBATCH --error=/data/gpfs/assoc/denovo/jhallas/deer/scripts/out_refmaker/%x_%A.err
#SBATCH --output=/data/gpfs/assoc/denovo/jhallas/deer/scripts/out_refmaker/%x_%A.out

####### LOAD SOFTWARE #######
source activate refmaker-env

####### FILE PATHS #######

####### MANAGMENT #######
start_time=$(date +%s)

###### COMMANDS ######
echo "Begin assembly..."
$REFMAKER -m assembly -o sample -p $PARAMETER

Thank you for any advice.


cpouchon commented 9 months ago

Hi Josh,

this issue probably comes from the version of SPAdes that it installed within the conda environment.

You may try by directly downloading the last version of SPAdes (3.5.15) https://github.com/ablab/spades and change the version of SPADES into the tools.sh file.

Let me know if it will run.

