cpp-linter / clang-tools-static-binaries

static-linked versions of clang tools for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
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adjust the clang version order to change the build order #19

Closed shenxianpeng closed 1 month ago

shenxianpeng commented 1 month ago

GitHub Aciton build always failed recently https://github.com/cpp-linter/clang-tools-static-binaries/actions/runs/9009739681/job/24754531130

I tried to change the Clang version in order to build a higher version of Clang first.

shenxianpeng commented 1 month ago

Even though I have changed the order in .github/workflows/build-amd64.yml, but the Linux build for versions 14-18 is still the last, https://github.com/cpp-linter/clang-tools-static-binaries/actions/runs/9012842234