cpp-linter / clang-tools-static-binaries

static-linked versions of clang tools for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
The Unlicense
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feat: remove old versions #3

Closed shenxianpeng closed 6 months ago

shenxianpeng commented 6 months ago

I've been intentionally trying to improve this repository, and I've collected some changes you made a year ago, as well as adding a little bit of my modifications, maybe we can start trying to make it better or fix existing issues. @2bndy5

2bndy5 commented 6 months ago

If the idea is to use this fork for clang-tools-pip, then I don't think removing clang-query is a great idea. If I remember correctly, clang-tools-pip does allow for optionally installing clang-query.

I'm OK with removing old versions.

shenxianpeng commented 6 months ago

Yes, I want to use it for clang-tools-pip and I will add clang-query back tomorrow.