cpp-linter / cpp-linter-action

A Github Action for linting C/C++ code integrating clang-tidy and clang-format to collect feedback provided in the form of file-annotations, thread-comments, workflow step-summary, and Pull Request reviews.
MIT License
87 stars 20 forks source link

Incorrectly added `latest` tag for PR testing and not trigger test action #212

Closed shenxianpeng closed 3 months ago

shenxianpeng commented 3 months ago

I saw the latest commit on the main branch was still adding comments https://github.com/cpp-linter/cpp-linter-action/commit/599f02b992ac2c28d5c83efe4c95959f0f2909cf

Not sure why and how to fix it yet but opening an issue for awareness. maybe the code here needs to be adjusted (haven't looked at it)


shenxianpeng commented 3 months ago
2bndy5 commented 3 months ago
          git tag --delete latest || true
          git push --delete origin latest || true

Maybe the || true is hidding problems that need to be addressed.