cpp-lln-lab / CPP_PTB

a set of function to make it easier to create behavioral, EEG, fMRI experiment with psychtoolbox
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refactor cfg with sub-structure for screen, keyboard... #39

Closed Remi-Gau closed 3 years ago

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

I am actually more and more in favor of not only reorganizing this but also of actually merging cfg and expParameters.


I am also trying to think about future users (most likely our future selves) who will inevitably will encounter those problems.

So unless I hear scream of horrors from someone I will start working on a PR on this: first on CPP_BIDS and then on CPP_PTB.

@marcobarilari @CerenB

CerenB commented 3 years ago

Ok. For discussion sake, would it make sense to have some structures inside the cfg? So when one is looking for some parameters it's super difficult to find them atm. The bad part of structure within structure is the variable name starts to be longer. I'm open to suggestions in organising inside this one gigantic cfg as well.

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

Yes I agree.

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

To be concrete, let's start with CPP_BIDS.

cfg.testingDevice = 'pc';
cfg.eyeTracker = false;

cfg.subjectGrp = '';
cfg.sessionNb = 1;
cfg.askGrpSess = [true true];

cfg.verbose = 0;

cfg.MRI.ce = [];
cfg.MRI.dir = [];
cfg.MRI.rec = [];
cfg.MRI.echo = [];
cfg.MRI.acq = [];

cfg.bids.MRI.RepetitionTime = [];
cfg.bids.MRI.SliceTiming = '';
cfg.bids.MRI.TaskName = '';
%     cfg.bids.MRI.PhaseEncodingDirection = '';
%     cfg.bids.MRI.EffectiveEchoSpacing = '';
%     cfg.bids.MRI.EchoTime = '';
cfg.bids.MRI.Instructions = '';
cfg.bids.MRI.TaskDescription = '';

cfg.bids.datasetDescription.Name = '';
cfg.bids.datasetDescription.BIDSVersion =  '';
cfg.bids.datasetDescription.License = '';
cfg.bids.datasetDescription.Authors = {''};
cfg.bids.datasetDescription.Acknowledgements = '';
cfg.bids.datasetDescription.HowToAcknowledge = '';
cfg.bids.datasetDescription.Funding = {''};
cfg.bids.datasetDescription.ReferencesAndLinks = {''};
cfg.bids.datasetDescription.DatasetDOI = '';

Some comments and suggestions or questions :

cfg.eyeTracker.do = false; %boolean flag to say whether this "device" should be used
cfg.eyeTracker.param1Name = value_1; % list all the parameters related to that device with their values (like we did for the audio part) 
cfg.eyeTracker.param2Name = value_2;
Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

And this would be the content of cfg afer running the testmanual_makeRawDataset from CPP_BIDS

cfg.MRI= [1×1 struct]
cfg.askGrpSess= [1 1]
cfg.bids= [1×1 struct]
cfg.datasetDescription= [1×1 struct]
cfg.date= '202007271236'
cfg.fileName= [1×1 struct]
cfg.modality= 'func'
cfg.outputDir= '/home/remi/github/CPP_BIDS/tests/../output'
cfg.pattern= '%03.0f'
cfg.runNb= 1
cfg.runSuffix= '_run-001'
cfg.sessionNb= 1
cfg.subjectGrp= ''
cfg.subjectNb= 1
cfg.subjectOutputDir= '/home/remi/github/CPP_BIDS/tests/../output/source/sub-001/ses-001'
cfg.task= 'testtask'
cfg.verbose= 0
cfg.eyeTracker= 0
cfg.testingDevice= 'mri'
cfg.verbose= 0

further comments

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

In practice I have also started putting the extraColumns info to create the tsv directly into cfg because the content of that substructure can be quite lengthy if one wants. See below an example:

    expParameters.extraColumns.x_target_pos = struct( ...
        'length', 1, ...
        'bids', struct( ...
        'LongName', 'x position of the the target', ...
        'Units', 'degrees of visual angles'));

    expParameters.extraColumns.y_target_pos = struct( ...
        'length', 1, ...
        'bids', struct( ...
        'LongName', 'y position of the the target', ...
        'Units', 'degrees of visual angles'));

    expParameters.extraColumns.target_width = struct( ...
        'length', 1, ...
        'bids', struct( ...
        'LongName', 'diameter of the the target', ...
        'Units', 'degrees of visual angles'));

It was then easier to do that and then just transfer it to the logFile structure used for saving.

So I would suggest adding it there as well. Maybe even as expParameters.logFile.extraColumns so that the logFile variable initialisation can simply be.

logFile = expParameters.logFile;
Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

On the CPP_PTB front

These are the defaults.

>> cfg.initAudio = 1;
>> cfg = setDefaultsPTB(cfg)

cfg = 

  struct with fields:

                  audio: [1×1 struct]
        backgroundColor: [0 0 0]
                  debug: 1
              initAudio: 1
               keyboard: [1×1 struct]
           monitorWidth: 42
         screenDistance: 134
          testingDevice: 'pc'
     testingSmallScreen: 1
    testingTranspScreen: 1
                   text: [1×1 struct]


CerenB commented 3 years ago

Thank you for documenting all.

logFile = expParameters.logFile; You meant cfg.logFile; right?

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

Thank you for documenting all.

Well I guess that will help for documentation later. :-)

logFile = expParameters.logFile; You meant cfg.logFile; right?

Yes!! :smile:

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

And this should be the standard output of initPTB (added comment directly below)

% Should go into cfg.color

% all of those go into cfg.screen
cfg.vbl % useless indeed


Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

OK and given the few experiments I started adapting with this framework there seems to be a couple of sub-structure we could initialize to "nudge" users into putting their info there.

Do we want to centralize info into the possible following: cfg.task,cfg.stimulusandcfg.target` ?

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

OK I think this is for now.

Will let us digest all of this and go back to it a bit later.

CerenB commented 3 years ago

curious, @Remi-Gau or @marcobarilari would not use expParam at all?

marcobarilari commented 3 years ago

I see no problem in centralizing everything in one struc with sub-structs, I would just not go deeper than 2 levels e.g. struct.sub-struct.var.

@CerenB I guess no if we centralize everything there. Right?

CerenB commented 3 years ago

Below could use some subfield as well, maybe cfg.trigger.key and cfg.trigger.num:

cfg.triggerKey    = 's';        
cfg.numTriggers   = 4; 
Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

curious, @Remi-Gau or @marcobarilari would not use expParam at all?

@CerenB I would try to avoid it as much as possible.

I see no problem in centralizing everything in one struc with sub-structs, I would just not go deeper than 2 levels e.g. struct.sub-struct.var.

I agree.

Below could use some subfield as well, maybe cfg.trigger.key and cfg.trigger.num:

cfg.triggerKey    = 's';        
cfg.numTriggers   = 4; 

Yes but those will go into the cfg.mri so after that I guess we can try to stick to explicit and transparent field names, but we can maybe do the following so at least things 'group" together (will try to remember to sort fields alphabetically with sortfields when setting up all the defaults).

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

I see no problem in centralizing everything in one struc with sub-structs, I would just not go deeper than 2 levels e.g. struct.sub-struct.var.

actually... We already have more levels that this. :unamused:


So let's make that no more than 3 levels... (quote here Monty python Spanish inquisition sketch...).

Remi-Gau commented 3 years ago

OK I will close this for now.

I have tried to list of the fields and sud-flelds of cfg in the READMES.

Will now update some of our expriement scripts. A good way to make sure evertyhing works