cpp-testing / GUnit

GUnit - Google.Test/Google.Mock/Cucumber on steroids
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Fix for Gherkin's localization #63

Open demidovsursu opened 3 years ago

demidovsursu commented 3 years ago

I try to use .feature files with the language option and found 2 bugs.

  1. In GSteps.h need use "type" not "keyword" because "keyword" contains localized word. std::string keyword = children["type"];
  2. The function read_data in GUnit/Detail/FileUtils.h read chars from utf8 files. I fixed this bug using UnicodeUtilities_read_code_point_from_utf8_source from gherkin-c library.
extern "C" {
typedef struct Utf8Source Utf8Source;
long UnicodeUtilities_read_code_point_from_utf8_source(Utf8Source* utf8_source);
Utf8Source* FileUtf8Source_new(FILE* file);
unsigned char Utf8Source_read(Utf8Source* utf8_source);
void Utf8Source_delete(Utf8Source* utf8_source);

inline std::wstring read_file(const std::string &feature) {
  FILE* file = fopen(feature.c_str(), "rb");
  if (!file) {
    throw std::runtime_error("File \"" + feature + "\" not found!");
  std::wstring r;
  Utf8Source* utf8_source = FileUtf8Source_new(file);
  for(;;) {
    long code = UnicodeUtilities_read_code_point_from_utf8_source(utf8_source);
    if (code == WEOF) break;
  return r;