cpp-testing / GUnit

GUnit - Google.Test/Google.Mock/Cucumber on steroids
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Expose SHOULD("XXX") sub-targets explicitly callable from the shell #73

Open qknight opened 2 years ago

qknight commented 2 years ago

In short: SHOULD("") tests should also be exposed as single targets on the shell and they 'could' eventually also show up as individual tests in the tests run. At least they should be callable individually!

Given this example:

GTEST(MYFooTest, "MyBarTest") {

... some setup stuff ...

SHOULD("foo") {

SHOULD("bar") {


I'd like to call SHOULD tests explicitly!

Using GUnit one can run all tests:

./mytest --gunit_filter="*"

Or just a subset:

./mytest --gunit_filter="MYFooTest.*"

Or one explicit test:

./mytest --gunit_filter="MYFooTest.MyBarTest"

But one cannot call a SHOULD:

./mytest --gunit_filter="MYFooTest.MyBarTest.foo"


In our code-base we have like 10 SHOULD calls and if one fails it is often hard to see which one does as the output can be quite huge. So I basically comment all n-1 SHOULD tests and uncomment them one by one to work them down. Which is of course total overkill.

MattYoung50 commented 2 years ago

I would also appreciate this feature

krzysztof-jusiak commented 2 years ago

Are there issues with the following?

Note Running specific should test case requires ':' in the test filter (--gtest_filter="test case pattern:should pattern")

--gtest_filter="FooTest*:Do A" # calls FooTest with should("Do A")
--gtest_filter="FooTest*:-Do A" # calls FooTest with not should("Do A")
--gtest_filter="FooTest*:Do*" # calls FooTest with should("Do...")
--gtest_filter="FooTest.:Do*" # calls FooTest with should("Do...")
--gtest_filter="-FooTest?:-Do*" # calls not FooTest with not should("Do...")
MattYoung50 commented 2 years ago

That works for me! Who wants to read good documentation when opening a ticket is so much simpler right?