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Functions not being included in the documentation #586

Closed alandefreitas closed 4 weeks ago

alandefreitas commented 1 month ago

This issue has been split from #480 (Features missing for Boost.URL) as it turned out to be more complex than we initially thought.

Some functions are not being included in the reference. For instance, https://github.com/boostorg/url/blob/cf2a888c42dedc25f8223dc61d4707e83bd7a22b/include/boost/url/format.hpp#L92 / https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_83_0/libs/url/doc/html/url/ref/boost__urls__format.html. I would guess the reason is that format.hpp doesn't have a corresponding format.cpp file so it's not instantiated when we build Boost.URL without the tests (building with the tests ends up including a lot of junk in the documentation).

See solution #584

alandefreitas commented 4 weeks ago

Fixed in Boost.URL