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Auto change editor colors(style) depending on time of the day #346

Open etem opened 6 years ago

etem commented 6 years ago


Maybe it will sound a bit odd, but would it be possible to implement an option to auto change editor style(dark-light) depending of the time of the day(local clock)? I find it easier to focus and write code on dark background at nights and light background at daylight.

An option to change the style automatically would be a great enhancement I think :)

eidheim commented 6 years ago

It seems that redshift or similar solutions might be a way to go here instead. See for instance https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/redshift. If you run Wayland, Gnome has an implementation too. Not sure if for instance Gnome have plans to make you be able to automatically switch themes depending on time of day.