cppit / jucipp

A lightweight & cross-platform IDE supporting the most recent C++ standards. This project has moved to https://gitlab.com/cppit/jucipp.
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General Query #358

Open AndyPage3 opened 6 years ago

AndyPage3 commented 6 years ago

In the past i have tried this project on MSYS2 and failed to get the App to launch properly (issue with GTK). I am now going back to Linux and want to retry the App as it looks interesting and i might want to use and contribute to it. Can you tell me once the App is launched can you point it at its own CMakeList.txt and then start browsing the project/App ? There are probably two sub questions contained this question; o Is the starting point for browsing an existing project its top level CMakeLists.txt file ? o Is Jucipp upto the job of of browsing a project that links to a huge library like GTK/GTKMM ?

eidheim commented 6 years ago

When you open a file, a search is made for the top level CMakeLists.txt or for instance meson.build. If it is found, the project path is set to the directory where this CMakeLists.txt was found.

Working with a very large project is troublesome using libclang, but given that you have a very decent computer, the main issue is file IO I think. Both ctags.cc and usages_clang.cc could be optimised further to reduce file IO through.

matsbror commented 6 years ago

I have not yet been able to open an existing directory with a CMakeLists.txt and having it recognised as a project. I can open a directory and see all the files, but I cannot build as jucipp says "Could not find a supported project".

eidheim commented 6 years ago

@matsbror Could you post a top level CMakeLists.txt file that is not working? Also, what OS are you on? One issue I can think of could be if the CMakeLists.txt file contains Windows newlines (\r\n instead of \n), but I think I solved this issue some months back.

eidheim commented 6 years ago

Also, when identifying the top-level CMakeLists.txt, juCi++ looks for a line with project([project-name]).

matsbror commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply. The setting of project did the trick.