cprcrack / VideoEnabledWebView

Android's WebView and WebChromeClient class extensions that enable fully working HTML5 video support
MIT License
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Quit fullscreen mode when change orientation in Android 8.1 #42

Open xiachengcheng opened 6 years ago

xiachengcheng commented 6 years ago

Thank you for this lib, it's very useful. But recently I met a strange issue. My app shows text and videos like this image: screenshot_20180730-145640

And play video in full screen like: screenshot_20180730-150734

But when I change orientation to landscape, it will quit fullscreen, like this: screenshot_20180730-145659

When orientation changed, onHideCustomView() will be called and quit full-screen mode. I don’t why it happened, and how can I keep it in full-screen mode even when change orientation?

Forget to say, it work very well in pre-8.1 android devices.

Thank you.