Closed cpsievert closed 9 years ago
Commit e5ebfac has some drastic changes on the JS side, but with some benefits:
Holy lambda slider! Looks very nice. That input type="range" is great.
A couple small things:
Last, let's add a legend to the lambda slider that says something like "high lift" at lambda = 0, and "high probability" near lambda = 1.
Should I take a stab at these changes?
Feel free to make changes, but just as a warning, it might not be easy to re-implement the "next" & "previous" buttons (the new approach doesn't use onSubmit & is based on this example). It might be easier to find a way to style the input so that the arrows are more visible. As for the lambda slider, I think I see what you are referring to when you wiggle the slider back and forth, but I'm not immediately sure how to "delay" the event trigger.
In addition to the bugfixes in the checklist above, over the next few days, these additions will be higher on my priority list:
Note I was able to fix the lambda slider event handling by simply using the "mouseup" event trigger (instead of "input" -- see 7a589df)
BTW, let me know what you think about the new dynamic circle size guide.
The new version looks really good and I like how easy the example is to use. I'm noticing three things that might be worth discussing, or they may be things that are addressed and I missed it in the documentation.
Thx for the thoughts, mike.
Hey Carson, here are some thoughts (I can tackle many of these if you want):
(1) Topic selection box:
(2) Lambda slider
(3) The topic circle scale -- this is super cool.
(4) Overall layout.
Turns out the width of the lambda slider wasn't getting smaller at 0 and 1, but the extra decimal place (for #'s between 0 and 1) was shifting the slider to the right, so I just decided to put the text to the right of the slider.
Note to self:
The implementation of createJSON
has changed quite a bit in the last few commits, but there is quite a speed improvement (especially when using the cluster
data(AP, package="LDAvis")
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1)
cl # socket cluster with 7 nodes on host ‘localhost’
json <- with(AP, createJSON(phi, theta, alpha, beta, doc.length,
vocab, term.frequency, cluster = cl))
# user system elapsed
# 1.696 0.281 4.895
I'm pretty sure all the computations are correct, but let me know if you see anything that looks wrong/weird @kshirley.
More TODOs:
R CMD check
and push examples to gh-pages automagically)Every .Rmd file under the example directory will now be automatically compiled to .html everytime we push to the repo. The movie reviews example can be seen here and the resulting vis itself is here.
Hey, @kshirley, do have anything else you'd like to do here? If not, I think I'm ready to merge!
Ha - I was just writing you an email. I think there's a fair amount of documentation/vignette/data updates to do, unfortunately. I posed a few questions in my email. I'm off on other stuff right now, but will be back online tonight. k
I've noticed a couple minor problems (when checked, these are no longer a problem):