cpsievert / LDAvis

R package for web-based interactive topic model visualization.
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How to create .rda data #4

Closed suvirbhargav closed 10 years ago

suvirbhargav commented 10 years ago

Hi, Not an issue, just wanted to use the LDAvis with custom dataset. Is there any guidelines or some sort of tutorial about how to create create dataset from bunch of text files in .rda format. Since LDAvis comes with APdata.rda, i'm trying to create my own .rda dataset inorder to get LDAvis running with custom dataset.

kshirley commented 10 years ago


We don't have any such tutorial yet. Our package here takes an estimated LDA model and visualizes it; the .rda formatting isn't really the important part -- the important step is to fit an LDA model to your data (i.e. a bunch of documents), and then to read the resulting set of estimated topic-term distributions into R, where we manipulate them (a little) and visualize them.

If you've already fit the LDA model and have your estimated topic-term matrix, we can help you with that. Otherwise, check out some of the available packages to fit LDA models, such as MALLET or the R packages 'lda' or 'topicmodels', to complete the first step.

best, kenny