cpsoinos / nuxt-svgo

SVGO loader for Nuxt
MIT License
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SVGs disappear if first instance is found in a `display:none` component #255

Closed xaviergmail closed 5 months ago

xaviergmail commented 5 months ago

The title describes it well. I have an app that uses PrimeVue's TabPanels. Each tab has a navigation menu using SVG icons. When switching tabs, PrimeVue applies display: none to inactive tab panels.


Here is a StackBlitz repro: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-svgo-playground-fvu9fj?file=app.vue

display:none in the parent of the first svg:


without display:none in the parent of the first svg:


In my PrimeVue app, this makes it show but without the background.

First tab


Second tab


I can update the stackblitz example using PrimeVue the way I have it configured in my app if necessary

jd1378 commented 5 months ago

Hi the problem is not in svgo, but in svg itself this would still happen if you replace the component with the svg content itself

the reason is that your svg is defining ids each time it is added to the dom, and the duplicate IDs act weird in general with svg

what I suggest to you is either of these:

xaviergmail commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the quick feedback and advice! I was under the impression that modern avg loaders would take care of all that for me by magically reassigning unique ids each time the component is rendered, is there such a feature?

Perhaps PrimeVue could benefit from wrapping panels inKeepAlive rather than using display: none, I'll play around with that and if not, the latter two workarounds you mentioned will definitely work. Thanks!

jd1378 commented 5 months ago

You're welcome I wished such feature existed as well, but it would require runtime modifications or some way to keep track of renders, and to detect and pass ids to svg component to render, which I don't think will happen with the way things are, at least now

Feel free to open another issue if there's any other problem