cpvalente / ontime

Free, open-source time keeping for live events
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Multi-Event / Multi-User #1325

Open JavierChaparroMX opened 2 weeks ago

JavierChaparroMX commented 2 weeks ago

I have been loving organizing my events with Ontime!, we have around 65 events per year between Weddings, Corporate events etc, and I was exploring giving my customers the option to "Sign-in" and move the "Itinerary" objects to their liking or maybe at least the option to have an event "Loaded" depending on who signs in to be able to edit or Run more than one event at the time.

cpvalente commented 1 week ago

Hi @JavierChaparroMX , thank you for taking the time to make the proposal

We are currently working on a cloud hosted solution which may ease some of these points However, I am not confident I completely understand what you are after

You are welcome to get in touch by email or hop in our discord server (link in the readme), and we can discuss further