cpvalente / ontime

Free, open-source time keeping for live events
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OSC: Set duration for specific event? #347

Closed tcconway closed 8 months ago

tcconway commented 1 year ago

Possible for OSC to update/change the duration of a specific eventID?

I'm exploring having other apps control Ontime. For example QLab sending commands via OSC that set a specific timer duration...then running the event.

Might be a good approach for #318 and #283.

cpvalente commented 1 year ago

Hi @tcconway, this is a good suggestion.

Having good capabilities in integration is important for the app roadmap Few questions from my side

And a semi-related question: should we, as part of v2, remove the input field for end time in the rundown editor (keep it in the bottom sheet)

tcconway commented 1 year ago

I'd imagine this would be exactly as you mentioned. This is preferable over the HTTP API as apps like QLab and Millumin seem to prefer osc over an http call. Side note: I'm a fan of /app/action/id/value format, but that's a bigger discussion LOL.

As for deciding if it should modify, I imagine if it ever receives an OSC message, it would make the change...obviously a security risk, but you're running this on a private LAN, right

I would definitely keep the end time in the rundown editor. I find that I type in there all the time...It's a great confirmation for the operator... and you have plenty of room in the GUI there anyway!

arymoraes commented 1 year ago

Hey! You can assign this to me and I can tackle this

cpvalente commented 1 year ago

Nice! Obrigado

cpvalente commented 1 year ago

HI @arymoraes , could we help you get started here?

arymoraes commented 1 year ago

HI @arymoraes , could we help you get started here?

Hey, sorry about taking long, last couple of weeks have been very busy with work + some other bureocracy I have to do. So the thing is I'm not extremely familiar with OSC API. I did go through the code and I do have a good idea on what and how to do this task, but I just don't know how to test it (test it locally, not unit/integration/e2e testing)

I do get this on my console when I run the dev mode OSC integration client connected to

but theres nothing at localhost:9999, is there a UI client for the OSC integration or is it all just on server on 8888?

cpvalente commented 1 year ago

No problem, I understand OSC is very industry-specific and tricky for someone to jump in.

I normally use OSC Tester to send messages and Protokol to inspect the output of ontime. There are better solutions, but these are free and lightweight

The exact input / output configuration are in the integration options. Puzzle icon in the left menu bar https://ontime.gitbook.io/v2/main-concepts/interface-1/integration-settings

I would suggest that you publish your code and I can help with the testing. I can also help you find a task that involve less business knowledge?

arymoraes commented 1 year ago

No problem, I understand OSC is very industry-specific and tricky for someone to jump in.

I normally use OSC Tester to send messages and Protokol to inspect the output of ontime. There are better solutions, but these are free and lightweight

The exact input / output configuration are in the integration options. Puzzle icon in the left menu bar https://ontime.gitbook.io/v2/main-concepts/interface-1/integration-settings

I would suggest that you publish your code and I can help with the testing. I can also help you find a task that involve less business knowledge?

Thanks! That was very helpful. I probably have enough information that I can properly tackle the issue.

I think this task is good because I also want to be pushed out of my comfort zone. I'll try, and if I feel I'm hitting a wall I'll let you know and I can switch to another task, but I'll give this one a go

arymoraes commented 1 year ago

So update on this:

I was able to change the event duration using the DataProvider we have, but I have an issue:

using DataProvider to update the event updates my database at this path 'C:\\Users\\Ary\\AppData\\Roaming\\Ontime\\db\\db.json', while the data my localhost:4001 gets is from rootDir/ontime-db/db.json. Can you explain me the difference between my local windows AppData db and the rootDir/ontime-db?

cpvalente commented 1 year ago


When ontime starts, it creates a few files and directories in the user public folders, this is important and allows the users to keep their data between the installs. These folders are installation and OS specific You can follow that process in setup.ts

For test running, the folder used is the one collocated with the app. This aims to make it easier for us to create test scenarios.

As for your code, DataProvideris absolutely the final destination for the change, however you might find it easier to use the rundownServicewhich wraps interactions to the rundown. It would also handle side effects for you See editEvent()

Hope this helps

arymoraes commented 1 year ago


When ontime starts, it creates a few files and directories in the user public folders, this is important and allows the users to keep their data between the installs. These folders are installation and OS specific You can follow that process in setup.ts

For test running, the folder used is the one collocated with the app. This aims to make it easier for us to create test scenarios.

As for your code, DataProvideris absolutely the final destination for the change, however you might find it easier to use the rundownServicewhich wraps interactions to the rundown. It would also handle side effects for you See editEvent()

Hope this helps

It does, thanks a lot for the info.

That makes a lot of sense. I am now using editEvent to edit the event, which works, I only have a couple of things to figure out (and then write tests for it), can probably have it done this week.

cpvalente commented 1 year ago

Hey @arymoraes, I thought I would follow up here. Do you happen to have any news on your progress? Can I lend you some help with the task?

arymoraes commented 1 year ago

Hi sorry for the lack of updates, I've been out of town for the past 2 weeks.

So I was able to make it edit the events, but I couldnt find a way to edit the correct data, it still updates the one on the public folder, not the one in memory.

I did push my code on a feature branch if you want to take a look at what I have done.


cpvalente commented 1 year ago

No worries. I will take a look into your branch (the link seems broken, I will try and find it)

cpvalente commented 11 months ago

Hi @arymoraes , I completely forgot to try the link again. Apologies that it took so long, I have made a PR from your code and we can look into it

arymoraes commented 11 months ago

Hey @cpvalente no worries, things have been a bit busy on my end too. I'll set a reminder for my calendar to take a look at this during the weekend if that's ok.

cpvalente commented 11 months ago

sounds good to me @arymoraes It seems that the PR is pretty close to merging, I expect that there wouldn't be too many changes needed

cpvalente commented 8 months ago

Done with #553