cpvalente / ontime

Free, open-source time keeping for live events
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Feature request: Multiple actions to selected events #992

Open Spencer-Dime opened 3 months ago

Spencer-Dime commented 3 months ago

Hi, was looking if we could have multiple actions like clone, move and delete to multiple selected events.

cpvalente commented 3 months ago

Hi @Spencer-Dime , thank you for this.

It makes sense to me to strengthen the actions for multiple selections. We have both the context menu and the keyboard shortcuts

Would something as below be correct for desired context menu actions?

As for moving (I imagine with keyboard) there could be some tricky edge cases. What happens if we try to move a non-continuous selection of events? would they all become continuous?

Spencer-Dime commented 3 months ago

As of 3.0.2, the context menu has only make public/private. Surely, it would help tremendously.

Spencer-Dime commented 3 months ago

I am currently running ONTIME for an event, I could use/test your feature right away.