cpypasta / cotw-mod-builder

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The Disappearance of CPYPASTA: A Community Left in the Dark for THE HUNTER CALL OF THE WILD #28

Open AmerikanLegend opened 3 weeks ago

giftigdegen commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks chatgpt

weaponfx commented 2 weeks ago

This is the most ludicrous comment in history, it's bad enough it was written by ai, it's worse that a human actually decided to post it.

giftigdegen commented 2 weeks ago

Not helping your cause.

giftigdegen commented 2 weeks ago

Dude, take a Xanax or something.

giftigdegen commented 2 weeks ago

Your doc called. He said you take strangers online way too seriously and you need to chill bro or you're going to have an aneurysm. For some reason you're supes offended that some person you've never met and never will meet has an opinion about something you wrote that is not full of perfect praise.

If this were 2022 I'd believe you that you wrote it. But we're in the age of AI now. So, yeah, hard to believe it.

Here, "I" rewrote what you did but turned it into a poem.

For four months now, a shadow has grown, CPYPASTA's absence, keenly known. A figure once vibrant, deeply ingrained, His sudden leave has left us pained.

He was more than a name, a driving force, In projects cherished, he set the course. MOD BUILDER and ANIMAL POPULATION CHANGER, His work was groundbreaking, a bold arranger.

Not just code, but shared passion, it’s true, Our community thrived, with dreams to pursue. Yet without warning, he vanished away, Since April 23rd, not a word to convey.

No updates, no messages, no sign of intent, Just silence that leaves us all lament. His departure abrupt, questions abound, A sense of betrayal in echoes resound.

Not just projects, the community suffered, Collaboration and goals, once we discovered. A void he left, difficult to fill, Projects unfinished, hope stands still.

CPYPASTA's departure, no goodbye to say, Feels like a duty, he threw away. Life may bring challenges, this we know, But silence is a heavy blow.

The impact extends beyond tech's domain, Morale and trust, now strained in pain. Many feel let down, questioning might, Dedication and integrity now in sight.

In online worlds, support we find, CPYPASTA's actions serve to remind. Communication and commitment, key, It's not just code, but unity.

As we move forward, a lesson to heed, Accountability, respect we need. To CPYPASTA, wherever you roam, Know your silence speaks, bringing us home.

We hope in time, you'll make amends, Return to finish, or closure send.

giftigdegen commented 2 weeks ago

I took the liberty of using AI to spruce up your last message:

So tel me sumthing ass wipe.... Wen did I ever say that I rote it??... Hoo the fuck cares if an AI rote it.?.. Yu no how AIs werk rite??.. AIs dont rite artikles on ther own thots or ideas out of the blue.. Yu giv it spesific commands, info, data, detals, of wat yu want to say, etc, etc, etc that YOU giv it to IT, and then it puts the words and based on that it rites it... Wat makes it less meenful or more meenful???. Hoo gives a shit, wen the aim, idea is the same?.............I KNOW, YOU CARE!!.......And yea, AIs rite nice pomes too, LOL.........by the way, yu ritin cpy pasta a pome... Yu no wat bad mouthin peple may say??... That yu hav simptoms of comin out of the closet, tho I beleeve yu made that gay move alredy, paying so much atenion to me here..... lucky for me, I like girls too much.... So go on and be someone else!!........END OF TALK.