cqcampos / lausdinfoRCT

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Reduced-Form Analysis #5

Open cqcampos opened 6 months ago

cqcampos commented 6 months ago

Reduced form analysis of the intervention for the following outcomes:

  1. Engagement with the choice system: Did treated students apply?
  2. Engagement with the choice system: What kinds of schools did students apply to? Racial composition of schools, segregation/diversity measures, etc
  3. Enrollment: How did the intervention affect students' enrolled school attributes? Did they enroll in less/more segregated schools?

I will add more detail later.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Asana task by Unito

cqcampos commented 5 months ago

Some background on the intervention follows.

  1. Students enrolled in second, fifth, and eighth-grade in Fall 2022 are part of the experiment. These are transition years.
  2. We randomize three school-level treatments, peer quality, school quality, or both. Schools correspond to the students' enrolled school as of Fall 2022.
  3. The treatment assigned is within school-level size and achievement terciles. Therefore, any experimental analysis conditions on this.

The baseline specification is the following:

$$ Yi = \alpha{b(i)} + \betaP T{Pi} + \betaS T{Si} + \betaB T{Bi} + \gamma' X_i + ei $$ where $\alpha{b(i)}$ are randomization block indicators, $T_{Xi}$ is a treatment indicator for treatment $X$, $X_i$ is a vector of student baseline controls.

To increase precision, we're going to estimate diff-in-diff analogs of this RCT. Let me know if you have any questions about doing that. But let's go with the diff-in-diff analogs for all of the experimental analysis, except balance checks.

On Mercury, work from the infoRCT folder within the lausd project folder. I created a dataset called info_rct_analysis.dta which you can work from. The code for this is in 0_build_infoRCT.do. Make sure to go through it to understand the data structure. I imagine this will be an input to the structural analysis, so it's good for you to know how it was created. Note that to do the diff-in-diff analogs of the RCT, you'll need to work with data from the main build so you need to combine that data with these data I created over the weekend.

The script you will work on should be called 1_analysis_infoRCT.do. It's okay to create different scratch scripts but everything that is final should be incorporated into the 1_analysis_infoRCT.do script and we must ensure it runs.

Please note that the deadline for this task is Friday (1/19) but could perhaps be completed earlier.

cqcampos commented 5 months ago

For outcomes, $Y_i$, consider the following (also mentioned above) in the analysis data set I created.

1) Indicator for engaging with the choice system 2) Indicator for being enrolled in the district in 2023-2024 3) Enrolled school quality (peer and school) 4) Enrolled school composition in terms of race and socioeconomic status
5) Enrolled school segregation metric (details below). Consider racial and socioeconomic segregation separately

For 5), consider Herfindahl indices and dissimilarity indices. Please reach out with any questions you have about this.