As a consequence, the metric is normalized to the range [0..1], where the two extreme values are:
Value zero: there is no cohesion at all, i.e. every method deals with an independent set of attributes.
Value one: full cohesion, i.e. every method uses all the attributes of the class.
But jpeek generates result more than 1. In realisation I noticed that calculating of connection intensity is it wrong. In jpeek this value is calculating by total number of attributes of the class (which is evaluation of Class Cohesion (CC) suggested by [Perk, 98]) instead of dividing by the minimum of their cardinalities
According to paper by [Fernandez, 06] SCOM:
But jpeek generates result more than 1. In realisation I noticed that calculating of connection intensity is it wrong. In jpeek this value is calculating by total number of attributes of the class (which is evaluation of Class Cohesion (CC) suggested by [Perk, 98]) instead of dividing by the minimum of their cardinalities