To fix the CCM metric it was decided to integrate the FindConnectedComponents Java class into the jpeek project and then call it before constructing the CCM.xsl file [1] and add the result of the call to the ncc variable in the file. Thus, the problem of xslt algorithm implementation, related to the lack of possibility to redefine variable values and as a consequence the marking of visited nodes, disappears.
To fix the CCM metric it was decided to integrate the FindConnectedComponents Java class into the jpeek project and then call it before constructing the CCM.xsl file [1] and add the result of the call to the ncc variable in the file. Thus, the problem of xslt algorithm implementation, related to the lack of possibility to redefine variable values and as a consequence the marking of visited nodes, disappears.
[1] The FindConnectedComponents class can be called in the App class of org.jpeek:
Class FindConnectedComponents: