cqframework / clinical_quality_language

Clinical Quality Language (CQL) is an HL7 specification for the expression of clinical knowledge that can be used within both the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and Clinical Quality Measurement (CQM) domains. This repository contains complementary tooling in support of that specification.
Apache License 2.0
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cql-to-elm doesn't work #1320

Closed bkaney closed 8 months ago

bkaney commented 8 months ago

I checked out v3.6.0 tag and did the following per README:

./gradlew :cql-to-elm-cli:installDist
./cql-to-elm-cli/build/install/cql-to-elm-cli/bin/cql-to-elm-cli --input ../../Examples/ChlamydiaScreening_CQM.cql

I get this output:

TRANSLATE ../../Examples/ChlamydiaScreening_CQM.cql
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Translation failed due to errors:
Error:[1:1, 56:5] jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException: Implementation of Jakarta XML Binding-API has not been found on module path or classpath.
 - with linked exception:
[java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.ContextFactory]
Error:[5:1, 5:69] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[6:1, 6:91] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[7:1, 7:69] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[8:1, 8:98] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[9:1, 9:106] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[10:1, 10:64] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[11:1, 11:58] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[12:1, 12:63] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[13:1, 13:112] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[14:1, 14:69] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[15:1, 15:63] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[16:1, 16:81] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[17:1, 17:100] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[18:1, 18:74] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:55, 20:58] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:61, 20:61] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:64, 20:64] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:67, 20:67] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:70, 20:70] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:73, 20:73] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:76, 20:76] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:46, 20:77] Could not determine signature for invocation of operator DateTime.
Error:[20:89, 20:92] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:95, 20:95] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:98, 20:98] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:101, 20:101] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:104, 20:104] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:107, 20:107] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:110, 20:110] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[20:80, 20:111] Could not determine signature for invocation of operator DateTime.
Error:[20:37, 20:112] Cannot invoke "org.hl7.cql.model.DataType.isSubTypeOf(org.hl7.cql.model.DataType)" because "second" is null
Error:[20:1, 20:112] Could not determine parameter type for parameter MeasurementPeriod.
Error:[22:1, 22:15] Cannot invoke "org.hl7.cql.model.ModelContext.getName()" because "modelContext" is null
Error:[25:24, 25:40] Could not resolve identifier MeasurementPeriod in the current library.
Error:[29:10, 29:62] Could not resolve type name Condition.
Error:[43:2, 43:16] Could not validate reference to expression InDemographic because its definition contains errors.
Error:[46:2, 46:5] Could not resolve model name System
Error:[49:10, 49:52] Could not resolve type name DiagnosticReport.
Error:[51:1, 51:18] Cannot invoke "org.hl7.cql.model.ModelContext.getName()" because "modelContext" is null
Error:[53:31, 53:37] Could not resolve identifier Patient in the current library.
richfirely commented 8 months ago

I came here to report the same and found this: https://github.com/cqframework/clinical_quality_language/issues/1314 https://github.com/cqframework/clinical_quality_language/pull/1319

JPercival commented 8 months ago

Already fixed on master: https://github.com/cqframework/clinical_quality_language/pull/1319