cqframework / cql-tests-runner

Test Runner for CQL Tests
Apache License 2.0
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Specify Requirements for FHIR CQL Servers #14

Open cmoesel opened 1 month ago

cmoesel commented 1 month ago

The README indicates that you can use the test runner to run the tests against "a server of your choice using the $cql operation."

It would be helpful to know any further assumptions, expectations, or requirements of that server. For example, does it need to be a full FHIR server, or can a server that supports $cql and nothing else still work? If a FHIR server is needed, does it require support for CRUD operations? If so, what resources? Is there any requirement to preload any libraries on the server? Regarding the $cql operation, which input parameters are needed and which can be ignored?

I ask because our engine is currently standalone, not integrated into a FHIR server -- so I'm trying to determine the minimum work necessary to be able to use the test runner.

brynrhodes commented 1 month ago

The starting point here would be the CqlEvaluationService

We could then extend that to support a capabilities discovery (with the capabiltiies outlined in #13)