cquanu / github-dark

:flashlight: GitHub Dark - Browse GitHub in nighttime mode.
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Style from userstyles.org incomplete #33

Closed aalvarado closed 8 years ago

aalvarado commented 8 years ago

What's the issue:

If you click on show css on the stylish link for this style (https://userstyles.org/styles/128271/github-dark-2-0) it only shows half of the styles when the style is installed, it's missing several lines of css so some elements appear unstyled.

Steps to reproduce:

Install via stylish on Chrome



Maybe there's a limit on Userstyles.org or some abnormal mistake.

I copy pasted the style from the Github repo and some things that were missing styles now display correctly

What version is affected by this problem:


Thank you for this

cquanu commented 8 years ago

That's a very good find! Thanks. It's fixed now. 👍

zhiiwg commented 8 years ago

@cquanu I use the user script with Tampermonkey from userstyles.org


The user script doesn't work by default, I think it's because of the missing of the match section.


After add line 7 above, the style works with Github.com.

Hope this would be helpful ;)

cquanu commented 8 years ago

Hi @alim0x I don't support Tampermonkey ATM.

zhiiwg commented 8 years ago

@cquanu Thanks for your reply, maybe this script is auto-generated by userstyles.org.

Thanks for the beautiful theme :+1:

cquanu commented 8 years ago

@alim0x Yup, It's auto-generated by userstyles.org. You're welcome!