cquinn417 / ToDoApp

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US5: Login #17

Open cquinn417 opened 1 week ago

cquinn417 commented 1 week ago

AS A user, I WANT TO log into the app securely, SO THAT I can access my personalized to-do list.

SCENARIO 1: Successful Login GIVEN the user is on the login screen, WHEN the user enters valid credentials (email and password) and clicks the "Login" button, THEN the system should validate the credentials WITHIN 1 second, AND IF the credentials are valid, log the user in and redirect them to their dashboard WITHIN 2 seconds.

SCENARIO 2: Unsuccessful Login (Invalid Credentials) GIVEN the user is on the login screen, WHEN the user enters invalid credentials and clicks the "Login" button, THEN the system should display an error message WITHIN 1 second, AND the user should remain on the login screen with their input fields intact for correction.

SCENARIO 3: Canceled Login Attempt GIVEN the user is on the login screen, WHEN the user clicks the "Cancel" button, THEN the system should clear the input fields and close the app WITHIN 1 second.