cr-marcstevens / hashclash

Project HashClash - MD5 & SHA-1 cryptanalysis
742 stars 87 forks source link let: k=: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "=") #17

Closed ydroneaud closed 2 years ago

ydroneaud commented 2 years ago

I have this shell error during run:

IHV1   = {1215776608,3027357254,3082882766,2558746435}
IHV2   = {1215776608,1785367902,3602992650,3078856319}
dIHV   = {0,3052977944,520109884,520109884}
Dv     = [!-2,6,-8,14,-24,29!]
Dw     = [!-2,-5,15,-19,-24,-27,29,31!]
Blocks = 7

Msg1   = 67668767 0 36963072 36988025 3405438513 1373522928 1120441926 3501858414 187668621 2896542893 205808995 2544529963 431569900 0 2152653763 2184428680
Msg2   = 63347730 1464670714 3426110770 2460932572 1773031144 3361261166 1956379989 3196392674 327350835 3799722998 1392645548 4167497084 3254959121 0 1901183133 1132634811
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Work: 2^(40.4489), Coll.: 60635(uf=30252,nuf=30380,?=0,q=0,rh=3), Blocks: 7

Waiting for threads to finish...done.
Runtime: 680.605
[*] Birthday search completed.
./scripts/ ligne 168: let: k= : erreur de syntaxe : opérande attendu (le symbole erroné est « = »)
[*] Number of backtracks until now: 0
[*] Time before backtrack: 1800 s
[*] Starting step 0

It's in french, it's should translate to "let: k=: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "=")"

This happen because $3 is empty.

cr-marcstevens commented 2 years ago

This script has been used many times as is, without the third parameter. I'm not sure why the script completely fails in your case. Even if $3 is empty and the let k=$3 errors, then still $k should be empty and the next lines should set it to 0. Can you give a bit more info on linux distro & shell used?

A workaround in your case would be to pass 0 as 3rd parameter.

ydroneaud commented 2 years ago

It doesn't fail hopefully. Just report this error then keep going assuming k is 0. I'm using Ubuntu 21.04 (hirsute), with bash 5.1.4(1)-release

cr-marcstevens commented 2 years ago

Ok, good to hear it actually does continue as it should. But error message should be fixed now as well.