cracklib / cracklib

CrackLib Library and Dictionaries
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Was there once a master branch that got deleted? #109

Closed ahk2 closed 1 month ago

ahk2 commented 1 month ago

Apologies if this is not the right place to ask this question. Was there once a master branch that was deleted/renamed? I observe a failing Yocto build, that fails due to the reason that it expects to clone this repository and then find a certain commit in the master branch. That commit is contained in the main branch. So it seems that master was renamed to main. I am not here to question this decision, I only want to make sure that my reasoning is correct and that this change was by intention.

glaure commented 1 month ago

Same here. Now I have to patch to fix our firmware build. I will post the bappend recipe here.

nneul commented 1 month ago

Pretty sure this is correct, and it was at least before 2019-04-10

Best guess - it was when the migration from SF to GitHub back in 2.9.6

glaure commented 1 month ago

This my fix for "kirkstone"


SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=main \
           file://0001-packlib.c-support-dictionary-byte-order-dependent.patch \
           file://0002-craklib-fix-testnum-and-teststr-failed.patch \
SRCREV = "d9e8f9f47718539aeba80f90f4e072549926dc9c"

Bye Gunther

CCrozPromethee commented 1 month ago

Same here. No mention of change, and the problem was not that easy to detect. Our Petlinux builds are failing now. Any fixes available for Petalinux 2023 ?

glaure commented 1 month ago

Same here. No mention of change, and the problem was not that easy to detect. Our Petlinux builds are failing now. Any fixes available for Petalinux 2023 ?

It also seems yocto based. So my solution should work for you too.

CCrozPromethee commented 1 month ago

Thanks ! To be more tutorial-like for people who get the same error and may lack the know-how : Error

cracklib-2.9.8-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision d9e8f9f47718539aeba80f90f4e072549926dc9c in branch master even from upstream

Fix Create the folders: project-spec/meta-user/recipes-extended/cracklib/ Create the file: project-spec/meta-user/recipes-extended/cracklib/cracklib_%.bbappend With the content mentionned by @glaure (thank you again !):

SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=main \
           file://0001-packlib.c-support-dictionary-byte-order-dependent.patch \
           file://0002-craklib-fix-testnum-and-teststr-failed.patch \
SRCREV = "d9e8f9f47718539aeba80f90f4e072549926dc9c"
nneul commented 1 month ago

Be sure to contribute any 'fix' patches as pull requests (unless they're solely backports)

CCrozPromethee commented 1 month ago

I'd love to, but I don't know Yocto/Petalinux enough to "package" the fix as something that would be pulled automatically.

vapier commented 1 month ago

we migrated to main at some point. not sure the exact timeline matters tbh. just update any references to master to use main.

although not sure why distros are pulling from HEAD in the first place -- they should mostly stick to tagged releases instead.