craffel / mir_eval

Evaluation functions for music/audio information retrieval/signal processing algorithms.
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Support notation for unknown/ambiguous key or mode. #334

Closed PRamoneda closed 3 years ago

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

key evaluation. Add: 'X' if the Key can't be categorized or 'other' if the mode can't be categorized.

This standar is followed by at least:

GiantSteps key EDM dataset Beatport key EDM dataset

The first one widely used in MIREX competition

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

In future submissions, I will be more precise with the name of the branch.

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

One moment I am editing the errors!

Thank you @lostanlen

Now the errors are fixed

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

Hey @lostanlen, What do you think about a title like "Support notation for unknown/ambiguous key or mode."?

lostanlen commented 3 years ago

much better :)

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

I have a question. I Giant steps there are keys that have two possible values (e. g. D Major | D minor), How would you make the evaluation?? @lostanlen

El 26 oct 2020, a las 16:39, Vincent Lostanlen<> escribió:

much better :)

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lostanlen commented 3 years ago

@PRamoneda i recommend you ask the authors for this

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

ok I will do that!

craffel commented 3 years ago

I don't know the convention so I'm not sure what the correct pattern is, but it seems cleaner if we require that "X" be accompanied by a mode (major/minor/other). For the datasets you mentioned, are uncategorizable keys annotated as "X" or "X other"? It seems like a strong assumption that any "X" key should be annotated as "X other".

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

The keys are categorized as "X" in Giantsteps and Beatports datasets. I haven't find any example where modality were asigned to X.

BTW. Tomorrow, I will try to share a little colab for showing this PR across Giantsteps and Beatports Datasets.

craffel commented 3 years ago

I haven't find any example where modality were asigned to X.

Do you mean you haven't found any example where the modality was assigned to "other"? I thought X meant "uncategorizable key" and "other" meant "other modality". If there aren't any examples in any existing datasets/benchmarks where the modality is "other", I don't think we should support that modality label.

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

I mean I haven't found any example with X major, X minor or X other. Always is "X" alone.

Beatport dataset and GiantSteps dataset have many tracks where the tonic is defined, and it is followed by "other" (Because the modality is ambiguous, for example,if the third degree is major and minor all the time).

For example, in giant steps: 31 keys are annotated with "tonic other" (The dataset have 600 songs).

craffel commented 3 years ago

Ok, if it's X alone, let's not use the convention where "other" gets added to X? Seems better to special-case "X" as not needing a modality.

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

Giant steps have 19 "X" annotations.

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

OK I will update the PR!

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

ok! done @craffel and @lostanlen

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago
 # If reference or estimated key is x and they are not the same key
 # then the result is 'Other'.
    if reference_key == 'x' or estimated_key == 'x'\
            or reference_key == 'X' or estimated_key == 'X':
        return 0.

I can not use lower() because the key can be an integer(0-11) or a string ("X")

craffel commented 3 years ago
 # If reference or estimated key is x and they are not the same key
 # then the result is 'Other'.
    if reference_key == 'x' or estimated_key == 'x'\
            or reference_key == 'X' or estimated_key == 'X':
        return 0.

I can not use lower() because the key can be an integer(0-11) or a string ("X")

I don't think integer values for keys are allowed - where are you seeing that?

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

Hey, @craffel The Key is declared as a string in the arguments. However, after ´key, mode´conversion it converts a key into a number.... (with the header dictionary, for computing intervals, and these things).

Thank you so much!

craffel commented 3 years ago

Hey, @craffel The Key is declared as a string in the arguments. However, after ´key, mode´conversion it converts a key into a number.... (with the header dictionary, for computing intervals, and these things).

Thank you so much!

But none of that happens before the if statement in question - the keys should still be strings at that point, right?

    validate(reference_key, estimated_key)
    reference_key, reference_mode = split_key_string(reference_key)
    estimated_key, estimated_mode = split_key_string(estimated_key)
    # If keys are the same, return 1.
    if reference_key == estimated_key and reference_mode == estimated_mode:
        return 1.
    # If reference or estimated key are x and they are not the same key
    # then the result is 'Other'.
    if reference_key == 'x' or estimated_key == 'x'\
            or reference_key == 'X' or estimated_key == 'X':
        return 0.
PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

ok you are right! I am sorry.

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

@craffel I'm sorry to be such a pain. But I don't see it.

here the keys `reference_key, restimated_key' are converted from string to number. (if they are not 'X')

reference_key, reference_mode = split_key_string(reference_key)
estimated_key, estimated_mode = split_key_string(estimated_key)

and then in the if condition .lower() is not a number type function. And python launch an exception

craffel commented 3 years ago

@craffel I'm sorry to be such a pain. But I don't see it.

here the keys `reference_key, restimated_key' are converted from string to number. (if they are not 'X')

reference_key, reference_mode = split_key_string(reference_key)
estimated_key, estimated_mode = split_key_string(estimated_key)

and then in the if condition .lower() is not a number type function. And python launch an exception

I see what you are getting at - in that case I don't see how the check works at all, since split_key_to_string will return None for the key if it was originally X. So, checking if it is "X" or "x" doesn't make sense, you should check if it is None according to the convention you use in KEY_TO_SEMITONE

craffel commented 3 years ago

Thanks Pedro.

PRamoneda commented 3 years ago

Thanks to you! @craffel @lostanlen

El 30 oct 2020, a las 20:40, Colin Raffel<> escribió:

Thanks Pedro.

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