craftablescience / ChiraEngine

A customizable MIT-licensed game engine.
MIT License
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Draft: MacOS Support #15

Closed ashifolfi closed 1 year ago

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

Current progress:

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

Replaced the model file dialog due to tinyfiledialogs not functioning properly on macOS causing it to be impossible to select a specific file type

will most likely also do the same with the other resource adding dialogs since they don't really make too much sense to be not in imgui IMO.

Things like system messages and dialogs for debugging can stay outside imgui but editor specific dialogs I feel should be in imgui

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

going to open this after moving a few other things into imgui dialogs and add the remaining issues as actual issues on this repo as what's remaining is pretty much just low priority

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

AHAHAA the retina issue I was experiencing was a RTM specific issue related to non antialiased resolutions LMFAO

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

anyways last thing is replace a few other dialogs and then figure out how to get Xcode to actually compile properly

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

closing in favor of the macOS-support branch here