craftablescience / ChiraEngine

A customizable MIT-licensed game engine.
MIT License
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macOS support #32

Closed ashifolfi closed 1 year ago

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

Partial Xcode support and all required changes to get Chira building on macOS properly at this time

Things that are missing/not working (will be looked into at a later date):

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

Looking into possibly creating an app bundle for the editor. Depends on how much I'd have to shove into the app bundle for it to work though.

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

It seems that whatever is causing awful compile times on mingw might also be affecting macOS because they both have 10+ minute build times.

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

currently unsure if anything else broke as a result of the required changes made for macOS support. a check if everything works properly on windows and linux would be nice

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

ChiraTest was disabled as I haven't made the required changes for it to work with the updated config/settings load system that was made to allow proper config directories in AppData/.local/Library

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

oh shut up GitHub that action request was completely useless all I did was change a readme

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

It crashes on Windows in ISettingsLoader::setFilePath because you're appending an absolute path (C:\Users\<User>\Application Data\Roaming\ChiraEngine) to the current working directory I think?

that definitely doesn't sound right as it doesn't crash on macOS there when it would have if that was the CWD?? Maybe I got the path wrong for that in windows?