craftablescience / ChiraEngine

A customizable MIT-licensed game engine.
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Move editor/ and engine/ to a common src/ directory #36

Closed craftablescience closed 1 year ago

craftablescience commented 1 year ago

Component to Improve


Describe Your Suggestion

The editor and engine code should be moved to a common src directory. This refactor is impossible to do before PRs and branches are merged into main.

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

@craftablescience I think it's actually better to keep the main engine and the editor portions separate for a code organization purpose. having all of the editor code mingled in the main engine code would be extremely messy and would make removing the editor components difficult for anyone who wants to remove them from their game.

Not to mention it's just confusing.

craftablescience commented 1 year ago

I'm not saying to merge the code, I'm saying to move the source code to a src/ folder like how every other C++ project is organized

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

ah the wording of this made it sound like you wanted the code INSIDE the directories to be moved into one directory. not just moving the directories into a src folder.

craftablescience commented 1 year ago

All existing PRs would need to be merged first so its not a big priority

craftablescience commented 1 year ago

I think this isn't too necessary now, it would just be another folder to open

Godot doesn't have a src folder and they're doing pretty well organization wise